
Sonic. A place that brings you back to the days when men wore gray flannel suits and women wore dresses with pinched in waists and high heels. Back when girls only played with Barbie and boys idolized Davy Crockett. Back when everyone knew what a Drive in Movie theatre was. People now would be wondering how you fit that many cars inside a building. Speaking of cars. Sonic was around when the guys would drive their “cool” ride into the lot. If only these many before me had warned me that you are not suppose to walk into Sonic! You are truly missing out if you have never been to this “blast to the past” place before. Not only does it serve a Cherry Limeade that is mouth watering but also makes for a good story if you try to walk inside to tell them about a mistake that happened! What happened was they had tables near the entrance that you can sit at to eat your food. Well they brought out the food and everyone was happy except for one little thing. I had a gift card that I didn’t use! So I quickly made my way through the front door to catch the lady before she swiped my debit card (Not a Credit Card because Dave Ramsey would have been shaking his finger at me). Before I put my foot on that floor inside, I saw every head turn towards the intruder… Me. By the time I had taken my second step a manager had literally ran from around the corner almost taking me out in the process. With as much authority as a Sonic Manager can do he said, “I am sorry but because of insurance purposes, Sir, we cannot have you in this building”. All eyes were now on me to see my response but to me it was pretty simple. I said “Ok, can you give the lady at the register this gift card before she runs my Debit Card?”. I felt the tension lift from the air and everyone inside continued with making burgers and scooping fries. So just beware fellow Sonic lovers! Who knows what would have happened if I had taken another step… So be safe and don’t go inside the building : )

***If you have any funny stories about fast food restaraunts, I would love to hear about them!