bowling from ACME Nollmeyers

Picture taken by ACME Nollmeyers

There are many out there that find sports to be a waste of time. “I’m not good enough”. “I don’t want to get hurt”. “Other people are too competitive”. These are the statements that you are likely to hear from those anti sport supporters. I think it could easily be argued that there is a sport out there for everyone. There are many different levels of physical adeptness. You have bowling. A game that you will see one person gliding the ball down the lane with the pins exploding and a glean of personal satisfaction from the bowler as he walks back to his seat commenting to his friend about his highest scores and most memorable tournaments. There is also those you are afraid that they might hurt themselves as the hold the bowling ball with two hands clumsily walking towards the lane with bumpers on the side to keep from having them gutter the entire game. Whatever the case may be. Anybody can play. This variation in skill can be applied to essentially every sport because it is not really about the sport but what it signifies. It brings people closer together. It allows for those competing to test their physical and mental limits. It allows for those, not so competitive, to do something with friends and family that can bring a common bond between them.

Today, I challenge you to go out and get involved with a new type of hobby. Sports! Invite your family or friends out or join a team for the competition.
It will make you more physically fit and sharpen your mind.